-I just got back today, just got back again ... and made updates 22.october 2024 |
1: Unofficial Material
| Part 2: Official Material | Part
3: More Official Stuff |
Official Material IMPORTANT NOTICE: These albums are part of my private collection, and they're NOT FOR SALE !
This site is for information and reference purposes only.I've tried to cross- and doublecheck all information I've given here, but if you start searching, I'm sure you'll be able to find a few errors that have managed to escape my attention. Sorry for this.
I'd also like to say
to all my trading-partners over the years, and especially to the people who used to be on the original Hey-Joe Mailing List in the late 1990's. This collection wouldn't have been the same without you !
This list includes LPs, CDs, Tapes, VHS cassettes, DVDs, BluRay discs ... and two LaserDiscs and two 8 track cartridges.
All releases consist of "original" Polydor / Reprise / MCA / Experience Hendrix studio-recordings 1966-70 unless otherwise indicated.
Detailed recording-info is only provided for live-material and interviews.
All listed Videos are VHS / PAL format unless otherwise indicated.
This list also includes a handfull of CDR-copys of rare vinyl-albums that I haven't been able to track down ... yet ;-)
For more detailed information: Please refer to "From the Benjamin Franklin Studios" and the Jimpress-magazine for album/CD tracklists.
The latest additions to the collection are marked
(Some of these discs may be in transit).
American visitors please observe that all dates are given in the European format: Day / Month / Year.
Also, country-spesific letters (such as the German "Ü" and the Scandinavian "Ö") have been changed to the nearest English equivalent, and
English city names (such as "Cologne" instead of "Koln" and "Copenhagen" instead of "Kobenhavn") are being used throughout the list.Please refer to the "Unofficial material"-list for unedited and more complete versions of most of the Concert-recordings featured on the official Hendrix-releases listed here.
Info regarding recording dates and personnel are subject to change whenever new information becomes available.
- Back to the top of the page
- Official Material
- Ordinary Releases:
- Related Releases:
- More Hendrix:
- More official stuff (separate list)
- Unofficial Hendrix-material (separate list)
- Non-Hendrix albums (separate list)
1995 - 1999
- Back to the top of the page
- Official Material
- Ordinary Releases:
- Related Releases:
- More Hendrix:
- More official stuff (separate list)
- Unofficial Hendrix-material (separate list)
- Non-Hendrix albums (separate list)
(Albums by other artists featuring contributions from Jimi
Radio Shows
[note: Original
Transcription Discs only; Please refer to the
Unofficial Material page
for more radio shows.]
-In from the storm |
1: Unofficial Material
| Part 2: Official Material | Part
3: More Official Stuff |